Monday, October 27, 2008

Weight loss update:

An update and advice:

When on a weight loss quest, keep your "fat pants". They will be extra motivation to keep you going and a messurment for how far you've gone.

We've been slowed down with the hurting back, but she's down 40+ pounds. Still out from work but looking for something to do that won't involve bending and lifting.

Pumpkin carving time.

Well it's pumpkin carving time around here. I thought we were a little early but the girls wanted to start NOW, they couldn't wait. They turned out super, but I don't think they will last until Halloween. But with the little fart across the street, I'm not sure they would have lasted anyway.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

No I didn't fall off the face of the earth.

Wow where does the time go? We've just been here there and everywhere lately. About two months ago, Stacie hurt her back at work and has been in quite a bit of pain with two disks in her back herniated. Needless to say, she's been slowed in weight loss progress, but her comfort is more important now. But she is down in weight, which should help in the treatment of her back. She made the mistake of not reporting her injury to her supervisor, now her work is really showing their colors with there total lack of support. They've made her take FMLA and have been telling her they don't have a job for her when she comes back. They want her to quit rather than find somewhere for her to work. We've been told to make them let her go before she quits, that's what they want her to do so they won't have to pay anything. It's sad that someone gets hurt working for them and they want her to disappear and go away without offering any help.