Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We (the Mrs., kids and I) spent a good part of the day visiting grave sites of family and friends that have passed before us.
What a beautiful day we had to do this. The sun was shining bright but the temperature just right.
How many people out there think Memorial Day is all about the picnics and BBQs? While walking around the headstones of the young and old, I got thinking about how much we owe to these people. Wither they were an ancestor from our past or someone who touched our lives while we crossed paths somehow.
While standing near Grandpa Nelson's and Grandpa J's,I looked around all the other headstones with there's and wondered how much they went through establishing what we have now. While standing near Sarah's, Rustin's and Missy's, I wondered how unfair it was for the young to leave us so soon. Each and everyone, effected my life somehow.
During this weekend of paying tribute, to those who I crossed paths with, Thank You for making me a better person. To my ancestors I never got the chance to meet, Thank You, in a round about way, I am you, I hope I make you proud. And to those served and fought for this beloved country, I will be forever grateful, your service was not in vain.

Friday, May 23, 2008

A new toy.

Thanks Uncle George's stimulus check, we were doing our part and spending it back into the economy. I (we) bought us a new laptop computer. Stacie will get to use it when I'm not playing on it, she'll see it soon. This thing is way above my computer skills, but it sure is fun.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

OK, Tiff, two posts in one day! Get off my backwill ya? LOL

So did someone say they wanted winter back? With this wind, I keep telling the guys at work I am expecting to get up one of these mornings and find my tree on top of my truck. No such luck. I love the tree (the birdie doo doo I can do without), but I wouldn't mind a new truck. I guess I better get some miles out of the new fuel pump before I wish it away. Congratulations Cody on your graduations. Be prepared for the changes coming your way. I'm proud of you! Sam